Roles within an association

When considering getting involved in an association, it can be helpful to gather some information in advance about what the various roles entail and what tasks are involved. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to how a association should operate, and each association and committee must assess which roles are necessary in their board.

In addition to these indicative job descriptions, we recommend that the association develops common guidelines that apply to all members of the board. Examples of these guidelines may include confidentiality, communication, and feedback culture. Remember that all positions in an association or committee are voluntary, but a certain degree of dedication is expected if you take on a position.

Roles within an association:

An association has at least three members, but most have five or more.

  • Leader/president
  • Vicepresident
  • Financial officer
  • Event coordinator/social media
  • Boardmember

In addition, it may be wise to have two alternate members/extra board members in case of absences.

  • As the chairperson, you have overall responsibility for the association.
  • Your task is to call meetings and maintain regular contact with all board members.
  • You are the spokesperson and contact person for the association. It is your responsibility to assign tasks among board members and follow up on progress to ensure that everyone does what they are supposed to.
  • You are responsible for all important documents in the organization.
  • You have overall responsibility for writing applications and entering into financial agreements.
  • You should create a good working environment; follow up on board members, inspire and encourage.
  • Keep the Vice-president informed.

  • As the Vice-Chair, you are expected to be the Chair’s right hand, and take over the role of Chair if the Chair is absent/leaves their position.
  • You actively work on recruiting new members.
  • You write reports from all meetings and are responsible for applications.
  • You are responsible for the association’s email account.

  • Your task is to propose a budget with the board.
  • You are responsible for the overall finances and ensuring that the budget is adhered to.
  • You are responsible for collecting and paying money and keeping accounts.
  • You present the financial status at each board meeting. Remember to keep various receipts and file them properly.
  • You work closely with the financial officer in SiMolde (the student welfare organization). 

  • You are responsible for promoting the activities and events that the association organizes.
  • You are responsible for the association’s social media, e.g. Instagram and Facebook.
  • You are up-to-date on GDPR and rights related to sharing images, etc.
  • You are connected to agreements with sponsors.

  • Responsible for other tasks.
  • Responsible for organizing events.
  • Assists other board members as needed and attends meetings.
  • The “potato” on the board – can do most things.