Moving out
Before you pack up and leave there are a few things you have to do 🔑

You terminate your tenancy agreement by sending us a message at It is important that we get your termination through hybel so we can save it as an attachment to your agreement.
Keep in mind that there is a two (2) months termination period. The termination period is effective from the first day of the next calendar month. So, if you send your termination on the 10th of October your termination period will start on 1st November and your contract will end on 31st December.
NB! International students with a housing guarantee cannot terminate their contract the first year after arrival (full time MsC degree students) and the first semester after arrival (exchange students). See your tenancy agreement for more information.
You have to pay rent for the entirety of your termination period, even if you move out prior. Keep therefore in mind that if you move out before the end of your termination period you might receive more invoices later!
A full clean-out is a lot more thorough than a normal weekly clean, and in our experience most people have to use more time for a clean-out than what they initially thought.
You have to clean and make your housing ready before you handover the keys. It is important that you hand over the housing in a clean and tidy state. The housing (and your part of the common areas) should be so clean and spot free, that the next tenant can move right in without having to clean.
See the checklist – single unit or apartment – for what has to be cleaned and tidied when moving out. By following the steps in the checklist you help us in giving you as a tenant a smooth and effective move out. See also the instructions for cleaning out with illustrations.
❕ The tenant must contact SiMolde well in advance, and no later than two (2) days prior to moving out, to agree on a time for inspection. See the tenancy agreement §11 “Other agreements – vacating the housing”.
If you realize that you don’t have the time to do a proper clean-out, feel like you fall short on the tasks or only do it halfway it is important that you reach out to us. We will find a solution together.
If your housing is not ready to rent out again the day after your agreement ends it can lead to the next tenant not being able to move in as planned. This can entail extra costs.
The sooner you reach out about questions on cleaning the better it is for us and for you! Send us a message at Hybel and the service department will be in touch.
We do not have our own cleaning staff, and there’s a cleaning service that does the cleaning. A clean-out must be booked at the latest one (1) week before the end date of your tenancy agreement.
❗ Not accepted cleaning entails fees. See pricing.
Remember to empty your storage room and any cabinets/drawers, fridge/freezer in the common kitchen!
Bring all your belongings, the housing should be empty when you move out. The garbage should be thrown out in the appropriate dumpster. At the main moving out for the summer, extra dumpsters for normal waste will be placed outside the housing.
- Empty the housing for belongings, or place them in the middle of the room before we arrive.
- Together we will go over the housing and agree on what’s approved and if something needs fixing. If something is not approved you will get the opportunity to fix it then and there, which again might mean that you do not have to pay extra for cleaning after you have moved out.
- If the cleaning is approved you can handover the keys and move out.
Cleaning equipment can be expensive, and we see that many do not have the necessary equipment for a clean-out. That’s why you can borrow this with us! We hope this makes it easier for you to clean properly.
We have vacuums and a complete cleaning package you can borrow – completely for free! Fill out the form to book it
After we have checked your housing we will send you a move out protocol. This shows you if you have been charged any cleaning fees or not, and has to be signed.
If you haven’t paid the last rent the amount you owe will also be in the protocol. Remember that if you move before your agreement ends you might receive another invoice after you have signed the protocol.
If you move within our opening hours you can handover the keys directly to our service manager after the checkout. See the info about checkout above.
You choose a date and time that suits you, and we will go over the housing together with you. If the cleaning is approved we can take the keys right away!
Don’t forget to choose a date BEFORE your agreement ends, and not after.
If you move out on a weekend, or at night, you can leave the keys in one of our mailboxes at the different housing areas. Just drop them in the mailbox!
Britvegen: Grey mailbox with our logo on, at the far west corner of the A-building, outside the service department’s office.
Mekvegen: Green mailbox marked with SiMolde/Nøkler, to the right just inside the main entrance to the laundry room in the A-building. Next to Kvamstua.
Glomstuvegen: Green mailbox, to the right of the main entrance.
Note: Keys may NOT be left inside the room, apartment, your own mailbox or given to a friend.
Don’t forget to change your address as soon as possible after you have moved out so you don’t miss any of your mail. You change your address in the same way as when you moved in.
Change your address at Posten her
Keep in mind that if you changed your registered address, you have change that one again as well. You can do that here her