How to make the start of your studies unforgettable!

You may be new to student life (in a new city) and nervous about everything that awaits you at the start of your studies. But there is nothing to be afraid of. A group of eager students have planned an amazing orientation week for our new students in Molde and Kristiansund, and the buddies are ready to welcome you and give you a memorable start to your studies.

To make the start of your studies as good as possible, we have gathered 5 of our best tips:

The opening week is a fantastic opportunity to get to know students from your own class, but also from other studies at Molde University College. Having a good network is not only beneficial for your study time, but can also be an advantage when you enter the working life later on.

Do you find it nerve-wracking to meet new people? Remember that you are not the only one who is nervous, you are all in the same boat! If you see someone sitting alone struggling to participate in the social activities, reach out. Be open and curious towards others you meet, show interest and be yourself. You will gain a lot from it later on!

It can be scary to put yourself out there when meeting new people. But during the start of your studies, it’s important to step out of your comfort zone! Try to leave your limitations behind and participate as much as possible.

Remember, the mentors are there to make everyone feel included. Who knows: Maybe you’ll meet your best friend or even the love of your life during your studies?

The opening week is filled with various social activities, information meetings, and events. To make sure you get the most out of it, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the program in advance. Note down the activities you want to participate in and have the program accessible on your phone. This way, you will have a better overview of your days. Also, keep an eye on updates in social media (@åpningsuka).

It can be smart to save the phone numbers of your buddies in case you can’t find the meeting place you agreed upon. And don’t hesitate to ask them any questions if you’re unsure about something! Remember that the purpose of the start of your studies is not just partying and having fun, you are also there to receive information. Therefore, try to attend the information meetings and campus tours.

It’s a good idea to bring a bag/backpack with everything you need during the day. You may think you’ll have time to stop by your dorm to change clothes and make yourself dinner, but time flies when you’re having fun! Often, one activity leads to another, and suddenly you haven’t been home for a while. At the same time, it’s also not ideal to carry too much, so be smart when packing for the day and prioritize the essentials.

Here is a list of things we think it’s smart to bring:

Food: Eating out for every meal can quickly become expensive for a student budget, even if you have a scholarship just around the corner. We recommend buying food in advance that is quick to prepare. The best option is to pack a lunchbox. Some suggestions for its contents could be bread and a spreadable cheese, a premade baguette, or nuts/energy bars.

Drinks: It’s important to remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Bring a small bottle with you that you can refill, so you don’t have to buy water when you’re out. You can also empty it if you enter a venue that doesn’t allow guests to bring their own drinks.

Mobile phone and charger: This is probably the most important accessory to bring. Bring a charger and a fully charged power bank with you in case you run out of battery. We recommend activating “Find my phone” in case you are unlucky enough to lose your phone. Additionally, it could be smart to download the app “Find my friends” in case you get separated from your buddy group. With the app, you can always see where your friends are.

Clothes, shoes, and accessories: Check the weather forecast for the entire day before packing your bag. The weather and temperatures can change quickly, and freezing or getting drenched can dampen the mood. Bring extra clothes, sunglasses, and possibly an umbrella or raincoat. If it’s sunny, it’s smart to bring sunscreen. And don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes! There will be a lot of walking and dancing. An extra pair of socks and blister plasters are also always good to have in your bag.

Even though it is recommended to participate in as much as possible during the beginning of your studies, it is important not to completely exhaust yourself. If you need a small break to recharge your batteries, that is completely okay! Parties, fun, and socializing can be tiring, so there is no shame in taking it easy in between. You can join a barbecue one day and a party the next, or take a whole day to yourself if you feel like it. Listen to your body and remember: your health always comes first!