The opening week is over – what now?

The expectations of the opening week are many. Perhaps you are one of the students who have participated in most of the activities and look forward to a little break? The benefits have been great both in terms of new friendships, but also for your wallet.

Or are you one of the students who maybe didn’t quite find your group? Many talk about how student life is supposed to be the best time of your life, and it doesn’t exactly make the pressure or expectations any lower. It can feel crappy to feel like you haven’t really gotten to know anyone, or that you feel a little left out before it all really starts.

Because that’s where it starts…

Now the study everyday life and teaching are underway, and the lectures come one after the other. It can be a little overwhelming. If you recognize yourself in this, we have some good advice for you!

You are not alone.
No matter how the start of the academic year is, don’t think that you are the only one feeling this way. The opening week is not what determines the relationships in your student life, even though it can be a nice start for many.

Look up.
It’s easy to scroll on your phone for entertainment or if you get nervous, but put it down. Smile at the people you meet and show interest in getting to know others around you.

Engage yourself!
Investigate what associations and committees exist in the Student Society at the College – there are many of them! If you want to have a position in an association, it’s valuable work experience, but it’s just as valuable to expand your network. Read more about the various committees here.

Participate and sign up!
In the activity calendar, you can find all activities organized by and for students. There is something for everyone, and it is the place to stay informed. Student life is after all more than what happens in the classroom, so dare to seek out other arenas where you can also get to know fellow students.

Give it time, you’re not in a hurry.
Getting to know others can take a little time, remember that students are different too. Some have family obligations, others have part-time jobs. Trust the process, and you will get to know people eventually.

If you want to talk more about this or just need someone to think freely with, you can book an appointment with a student counselor. We have confidentiality agreements and it’s completely free.

Good luck with the rest of the academic year!