Meet our student employees
We believe that students know what other students need, and that’s why we have recruited a whole group of people ready to welcome you if you are new. They call you when you get a study place, they pick you up at the airport if you need a ride, they guide you in the opening week – yes, some of them are even responsible for the program in the opening week. Our student employees also work on organizing various low-threshold activities throughout the academic year, and they invite you to different activities and food at the meeting place “Mellomrommet”. So who are they actually?

Jan Sindre Heltne
Studyprogram: MSc in Logistics, Advanced Supply Chain Management, 2.year
My best tip: Talk to people, every person you see has the potential to become your next best friend!
My Molde hack: Use the nature in and around Molde. There are countless mountains for nice hikes in the summer and for skiing in the winter.
Jacob Gjørtz
Studyprogram: IT and digitization, 3.year
My best tip for new students: Get involved as much as possible, especially in the beginning. Join a committee like IFRI or Idigital, or participate in all the activities organized by volunteers or by us, the student employees! Enjoy free dinner, game nights, movie nights, and much more fun. Going to these events will guarantee you to meet new friends.
My Molde hack: Use the nature and the surrounding area as much as possible. Take a walk up to Kringstadnakken or Varden, or just go on a very random trip without a map and a plan.

Stina Nordland
Studyprogram: Master in logistics, 1.year
My best tip: Dare to join in on things! It doesn’t have to be everything that happens during the opening week, but participate in some activities, and it will likely be easier to get to know people. Additionally, it’s fun to use the eventcalendar if you want to find something to do.
My Molde hack: Use the surroundings! Swim in Kringstadbukta, go on a randotur to Skorgedalstind or an evening walk to Tusenårsvarden! Molde has so much to offer, so it’s my #1 hack. The app shows maps, so it’s easy to find your way – or contact me, and I’ll be your personal hiking guide!
Ingvild Jørgensen
Studyprogram: Masters in social change, organization and leadership, 2nd year.
My best tip: Sign up for the opening week. Here, you will meet fellow students in the same situation, and there are lots of great events that help you get to know each other better. It may be a bit scary at first, but you will gain a lot from it!
My Molde hack: Kringstadbukta. A beautiful spot just 15 minutes from Campus. Here, you can play games like kubb/football, swim, sunbathe, and have a barbecue. This has become my personal favorite spot in Molde.

Kevan Guignard
Study program: Masters in Logistics (Sustainable Freight Transport) 2nd year
My best tip: Starting early enough to study so you don’t have to catch up a lot before deadlines and exams. The first weeks are pretty chill in terms of work but slowly you might have several papers to write and exams to prepare, and can easily feel over pressured.
My best Molde tip/hack: Visiting second hand shops like Fretex (Roseby), NMS (Trafikkterminal). This way you can easily get equipment for a very cheap price. Very useful when you are a newcomer that need basic stuff to survive! (E.g. Kitchen equipment).
Julie Lorntsen
Studyprogram: Economics and administration, 2.year
My best tip: Attend your classes, talk to students in their second or third year for their tips on how to succeed in the subjects and what the different lecturers are looking for.
My Molde hack: Molde is fantastic for people who love outdoor activities, but it’s also quite nice for the couch potatoes who want to sit in the city, enjoy the sun and watch life go by. Get an additional job, as it will help you to mingle with the locals and not just students. I have two jobs outside of the university, where I have met many cool people. (But don’t be like me and skip lectures for work, it will catch up with you in the long run.)

Amine Chakir
Study Program: Master’s in Supply Chain Management, 2. year.
My Best tip: Stay positive and start your studies with a burst of good energy. Building a group of friends and socializing can make your academic journey more enjoyable. Surround yourself with supportive peers, and don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone to meet new people.
My Best Moldehack: If you’re new to the city, take advantage of the beautiful natural surroundings. Go hiking, play football, swim, and participate in various outdoor activities. Embrace the local culture and make the most of your time here by exploring.
Daniel Ciric
Studyprogram: IT and Digitalization, 2nd year
My best tip: Socialize as early as possible, join the opening week and attend your classes. This is something that helped me a lot! You can participate in climbing with IFRI, or volleyball and swimming. Attend the various social events witch you will find in the eventcalender.
My Molde hack: Molde has a beautiful nature, so just enjoy it. Take trips around the area or up to Varden.